Telecommunication Infrastructure
Jakarta ICT Trusted Partner
Tower Provider
PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo (JIP) as a provider of telecommunications infrastructure, especially Tower Providers.
The very rapid development of telecommunication networks and the need for this infrastructure, PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo’s towers are approximately 35 towers.
SJUT (Sarana Jaringan Utilitas Terpadu)
Chaotic cables are one of the problems that destroy the beauty of the city of Jakarta.
The irregular and piled overhead cables are our basis for moving these cables into Integrated Utility Network Facilities (SJUT) based on Gubernatorial Regulation No. 69 of 2020.
Data Center
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The development of PT JIP’s Data Center, which serves as an Edge Data Center, is a significant business initiative aimed at fostering a connected ecosystem to support digital businesses in Jakarta.