SJUT (Sarana Jaringan Utilitas Terpadu)

Based on the Governor Regulation (Pergub) No. 69 of 2020, JAKPRO is entrusted with managing the Integrated Utility Network Facilities (SJUT) in South Jakarta and East Jakarta. Article 7A of this regulation grants JAKPRO the rights to operate the sidewalks along the SJUT route. JAKPRO has delegated this responsibility to its subsidiary, in this case, JIP, which operates in the ICT sector, to manage the SJUT in the South Jakarta and East Jakarta areas.
Currently, JIP has completed the construction of SJUT in the South Jakarta area for ± 25KM. Then, in 2022 PT JIP together with partner PT Modular Inti Konstrindo (MIKO) will work together on plans to build a ±48KM long SJUT in South Jakarta.